React, Python, Flask, Alembic, SQLAlchemy, Tailwind CSS
Original application inspired by pomodoro technique and a timer. Allows user to break down an activity to small tasks and durations specified by users.
React, Redux, React Testing Library, Mongoose, MongoDB, Express
E-commerce application inspired by Amazon and Zappos. Developed using React, Redux, MongoDB, etc. Unit tests written with React Testing Library.
Python, Flask, Alembic, SQLAlchemy, React, RestX, Google Map API, Firebase, Material-UI
AirBnB and Campendium inspired project where users can make reservations to free parking space for their cars or RVs that are hosted by other users.
Express, React, Javascript, Pug, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, Bcrypt, Chai, Cheerio, Supertest
Work-flow application inspired by Asana. Developed using React, AJAX, Express, Sequelize, etc. Unit tests were written with Mocha, Chai, Cheerio, etc.